Our customer has been a leader in promoting and supporting high-tech education, constantly introducing new certification programs. These programs meet or exceed the expectations of higher education universities and the workforce needs of various industries.
Today expecting mothers cannot find information in one place: like classes to take, finding an Ob/Gyn, shopping or renting for necessary products. Birth Centers are using home grown tools, which do not integrate these services in one place for expecting mothers. When information is hard to find, it impacts quality of service, productivity and some of the systems might not be compliant. MomsCradle helped solve this problem.
We have a uniquely qualified team to achieve above: a group of technologists and health care professional with breadth of expertise that enabled us to take a fresh look at this problem and build a solution that can break the barrier of what is possible using traditional approaches. Our business and operations team has experience providing mission-critical infrastructure software and services to large and small customers. Our entire company places a huge emphasis on enabling customers to be successful and provide them with an amazing high quality of support.
Our customer is the first network for moms in the U.S., used by Birth Centers that lets customers sign up for classes, purchase pre-natal products, rent breast pumps and offer other services easily and securely using an email address.